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YIPL No. 15Well, it's a new year, and I feel many of you want to know the fall story behind YIPL. My name is Al Bell, and a few of us started this on Mayday, in 1971. YIPL is the result of one phone phreak's realization that the Military-Industrial Komplex is not just a term you learn in school, but a force that controls the planet Earth from the country America. It became apparent to me that the vast majority of people are being used as pawns, as slaves to make a few multi-millionaires even richer. It's all done through MIC, whose main tactic is Divide and Conquer. Most people don't agree with me, thus proving bow effective that tactic is. So people war with each other, and the pigs get richer. And one company has accumulated such an impressive shelf of pork that this company, more than any other company, represents the robber-barrons that dare to defecate on our world. This company is, in fact, the largest company in the World. Ma Bell is a mother of a fucker.Though we are quite effective in helping people to steal back what is rightfully theirs, and we have also truly given a veritable kick in the groin, our purpose is mainly to make people think the question, "Why are they ripping off the phone company?", because once they do the answer will be obvious. YIPL members are actors in a play, and the world is watching. And we're having a lot of fun! 1973 looks like the year of the climax. The phone company's on our ass but if they touch us it won't be quietly. A lot of people hate the phone company from down deep, but they've never really given it enough thought to link it with world problems. If YIPL goes on trial, people are going to ask themselves questions, and that's all we want. YIPL has in the past been too difficult to understand, and we're trying to understand. Often we've been technically simpleminded, and we apologise to the numerous geniuses out there who patiently write in and tell us, but we're learning. Basically we're trying to digest the hard stuff, and print in simpler terms for use by beginners up. Bat there are lots of things all of us can do. For example, Ma Bells new ways of catching blue boxers will be fouled up if we put in -false indications of a BB. One way is to pick up your phone, and all your friends', dial long-distance info, and whistling 2600 cycles for a second and hanging up. This causes many wasted man-hours until they realize it was a false alarm. If we all do this from time to time, the BB detectors will be useless. And don't worry, it's legal to whistle. And fun, too. Your friends will dig doing it, and showing other people how also. 2600, by the way, is the highest "E" on a 88 key piano. Practice on an info operator, and when you hear a click after your whistle, you've hit it. Just about everyone has something to offer to a reader- supplied newsletter. Ripoffs, recipes, credit card codes, loop numbers, test numbers, outrageous news, computor passwords, overseas city codes, impending investigations, and anything else you'd like to share. We're never amazed too much by you people, you're all fantastic. If you're at all worried about being traced, write us on a business or school typewriter. We'll destroy your letter immediately if you want us to. YTPL needs more readers. Okay? Please help us, yourselves, and your friends by having all your friends subscribe now, especially if they're in the midwest, Canada, Florida, Northern New England, and Louisiana, Georgia, Carolina, and Kentucky. We need to round out our distributiuon. Don't miss the opportunity! There is only one YIPL. Help maket it great.
SUPPORT THIS BROTHERCaptain Crunch, as John Draper is alleged to be, goes to trial on November 28. The legal fees for the trial and any appeals are substantial, and John is not exactly loaded. This is an important test case for all of us, because without support, Ma Bell will win the right to wiretap illegally and get away with it. Many of you have sent money and we all, including John, appreciate it but he needs much, much more. Please send what ever you can to the Captain Crunch Defense Fund, Box 755, Campbell, Ca. 95008. Maybe you midght donate a portion of the money YIPL helps you save on your phone bills.
[HaBi 1]
YIPL No. 15